Monday, January 11, 2010


We went over BRM fundamentals and got some M16 familiarization today at the EST range. We get to group, battle-sight zero, and qualify on our weapons tomorrow at the proper range. Also drew M16s and some gear like body armor, kevlar, and canteens. Was a pretty interesting day. I expect that we'll spend all day at the range tomorrow. Some of us haven't fired in years, plus we have some officers who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a Mark 19. A couple of buddies and I went to the gym after training today. Did cardio and abs. Super tired now and waiting for our hit-time at the DFAC. A buddy and I made a deal to take pictures tomorrow at the range. I'll take pics of him and he'll take pics of me when we get to fire, respectively. I think I'll watch some Boondocks.

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